Adaptation and psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of Parental Stress Scale

confirmatory factor analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Parental Stress Scale (PSS), parentsAbstract
Parental stress is a strain experienced by parents regarding their parental role. Parental Stress Scale (PSS) is an instrument widely used to measure parenting stress. Some studies in several countries have attempted to reveal the construct validity and reliability of PSS in their cultural context. This study aims to examine the psychometric properties of The Indonesian version of PSS, Skala Stres Pengasuhan (SSP), by combining Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) approaches. The study involved 449 parents in Indonesia who have children aged 3-12 years. The sample in this study was divided into two groups of samples randomly, where the EFA analysis was performed on the first sample group (N = 249), and CFA analysis was performed on the second sample group (N = 200). Statistical analysis revealed that the two-dimensional structure of the 15 SSP items show satisfactory psychometric properties.
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