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JPU introduces a wide range of manuscript types
As a part of our commitment to trigger faster dissemination of current knowledge, we are pleased to introduce four manuscript types: ORIGINAL RESEARCH, LITERATURE REVIEW, BRIEF REPORT, and COMMENTARY PAPER. Please click here to learn more about each manuscript type.
JPU introduces a new section for all manuscript types
To better reflect the scope and aim of our journal, JPU introduces a new, mandatory section for all manuscript types, called: "Impact and Implication in the Indigenous Context". In this short section (max. 100 words), author(s) are required to elaborate their findings/study insights in the indigenous context. This section will appear below the ABSTRACT section eventually in manuscripts published in future issues.
We believe this significant improvement will better support authors, readers, and communities in disseminating high quality works in the field of indigenous psychology.
JPU is accredited in SINTA 2
We are pleased to announce that JPU is now nationally accredited in SINTA 2 by the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia per 1 April 2020. We thank the contribution of the authors, editors, reviewers, and supporting team in publishing and disemminating high quality work.