Frequently Asked Question

1. When is the submission period?

As mentioned in the Author Guideline, submissions are open any time. You can send your manuscript at any time. We may ocassionally publish a special section where we particularly aim for thematic papers. The submission deadline for that section would vary and would be clearly announced in the call for paper advertisement. 


2. Is there a slot for publication in the nearest edition?

 All accepted manuscript that is ready for publication will be published immediately in the forthcoming edition (online first). The articles that have been published in the forthcoming edition will then be assigned number and volume according to the journal publication frequency (every June and December).


3. Is there a fee associated with submitting or publishing articles at JPU?

 No. Please refer here


4. Does JPU have a fast track publication pathway?

 No, there is only one procedure applicable to process all submission.


5. How long will my submission be reviewed?

Once the manuscript is deemed appropriate by the editor in the initial assessment, it will be sent for review to two independent reviewers. This is the timeframe that we cannot control - some reviewers return their works faster than others, as they are independent scholars who do not formally work for JPU. However, we aim to achieve the first editorial decision within 3 months since your submission has been verified by our administrator team. You can always check the status of your submission by logging in to your account.

The below statistic based on our performance in 2024 may give you the best indication:

- average days from submission to first editorial decision: 54.

- average days from submission to acceptance: 224.


6. Why is my manuscript rejected?

 Manuscripts get rejected for various reasons and sometimes it does not necessarily relate to the quality of your work. Initial rejection often occurs because the manuscript is not submitted as according to the Author Guideline or because the manuscript is beyond our focus and scope. Rejection after review might be related to flaws in your study or the writing quality as assessed by reviewers who have expertise in the associated fields and by the editor. As JPU receives more manuscripts than the publishing capacity, we apply competitive standard to determine which article that deserves publication based on the fair and ethical practices.


7. My manuscript has been accepted for publication. Can I have a letter of acceptance?

JPU does not have any other letter of acceptance than the acceptance notification email generated by the system. You can use that email as a confirmation of acceptance.


8. What happens after my manuscript is accepted?

You will receive a link to digitally indicate the publication rights and agreement. As soon as you fill in the form, you will receive an email recording your form submission and the copyediting process will begin. Your manuscript will be copyedited by our production editor to ensure the readability and the suitability to the 7th APA style. You may be contacted should further correspondence is needed at this stage. Once it is ready and approved by the editor, your manuscript will be published in the forthcoming edition. 


9. May I send a manuscript that is currently reviewed at JPU to other journal?

 No. You must not send your manuscript to other journal if it is under consideration for publication at JPU. It is a serious violation of academic publication ethics. You have indicated your agreement not to send your manuscript to other journal while it is being reviewed at JPU. 


10. May I change the names/order of authorship to the submitted manuscript?

Once the manuscript is published or accepted for publication, we do not accept changes of names/order of authorship and affiliations. We rarely consider change of names/order of authorship and affiliations when the manuscript is still in review for publication, and only under exceptional circumstances. Change of authorship form needs to be completed and sent to You also need to attach the completed form in the submission files. Please note that the change is subject to Editor's approval.


11. What should I write in the "Impact and Implication in the Indigenous Context" Section?

As described in the Authors Guideline,  this section specifically discuss the results or the scope of the study in line with the indigenous context - what contribution does this study make to the indigenous context? The discussion should be evidence based and highly focused in outlining the unique contribution to the indigenous context. The word limit for this section is 100 words.


12. What should I write in a cover letter?

The main objective of cover letter is to highlight why your study deserves to be published in the journal. It should include what unique contribution that your study makes to the current body of knowledge. You also should mention that your manuscript is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not currently considered for publication in other journal. When relevant, you could also mention if there is any competing interest or any opposed reviewers to inform the editor along with the justifications. In sum, this is the dedicated venue where you can inform the editor anything related to your manuscripts.


13. I did not obtain ethical clearance in my study. Should I still submit my work?

JPU is among the first Indonesian psychology journals that formally include ethical information in its published manuscript. While we are highly encouraging authors to have their study ethically reviewed, at this transition time and given the limited accessibility and literacy to ethical clearance process in Indonesia, manuscripts that do not have an ethical clearance and involve primary data collection to general population, could still be accepted for publication as long as the ethical aspect of the study has been considered in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later addendums. For study that involves vulnerable population, ethical clearance is required for publication. The Editor, with consideration from the reviewers' suggestions, will decide whether ethical clearance is required. Starting 2024, JPU aims to require ethical clearance information from authorized institution be included in all published msnucripts that involve primary data collection.