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Journal History
Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat: Indonesian Journal of Indigenous Psychology ("JPU" thereafter) is the first and overarching journal published by Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN) since 2014. Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN) was established in 2012 and currently has 20 institutional members (psychology departments from reputable universities) across Indonesia.
JPU was raised amidst the lack of high quality publication outlets in Indonesia, while at that time, there has been an emerging trend of institutions to publish its own journal (click here to learn more detail about the history). Dr. Phil. Idhamsyah E. Putra articulated a need to have a publication outlet that are collaboratively managed by institutions that have shared interests; in doing so, he believed the journal can be profesionally managed. The idea was welcomed by Dr. Eko E. Meinarno, and with the significant aspiration and influence of (the late) Prof. Sarlito W. Sarwono, the journal was initially introduced as a product managed by 16 psychology department of universities across Indonesia under the umbrella of KPIN. Dr. Eko E. Meinarno was appointed as be the editor in chief of the first volume of JPU, which was published 2013. In 2015, Dr. Karel K. Himawan acted as the new editor in chief, starting from the second volume of the JPU.
Initially, the submission process was mainly managed through a conventional system, where correspondence between authors and editors occured through email. In the late 2017, JPU eventually migrated the submission process into an integrated Online Journal System (OJS). JPU adheres to the best practice in managing fair and indiscriminatory submission process by abiding to the double-blind peer-review process.
The hard effort of the authors and the editorial team were then acknowledged through the accredited status of JPU in Sinta 3 in 2018 and in Sinta 2 in 2020. In 2019, JPU has also successfully been indexed in the Directorate of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), which significantly increases the exposure and diversity of journal readership.
Added Section of Impacts and Implication in The Indigenous Context
Since the first publication, JPU has been aiming on emphasizing the indigenous aspects of psychological research within the Indonesian context. To even further emphasize this aspect on the published manuscript, starting from June 2020, JPU introduces a new, dedicated section in its published manuscript where the authors reflect their study findings and elaborate the impacts within the indigenous perspective.
Added Section of Ethical Statement
JPU aims for an enhanced ethical publication practice. To increase ethical transparency, per 26 April 2021, JPU applies a mandatory ethical statement to be provided in every published article and for all new submissions. Authors are asked to formally stated their ethical statement regarding their study in the title page. All manuscripts that are available online since 26 April 2021 also have this section before the reference section. Please click here for more information about the ethical statement.
JPU maintains a regular publication frequency on every June and December. Submissions are open at any time.