"Why God took my parents?" Grieving experience and meaning making process of a child who lost both parents consecutively


  • Roselli Kezia Ausie Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Winarini Wilman D. Mansoer Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


pemaknaan anak, reaksi duka, kematian orang tua, fenomenologi


This study aims to explore the experience and the meaning making process of a child who lost both parents. A phenomenological approach was conducted to a 23 years old female who lost both parents in contiguous time. Data was analyzed using textural description technique. Bad feeling and anxiety were precedented feelings toward mother’s death due to chronic illness. Meanwhile, the father’s death was an unexpected event reacted with confusion and denial. After losing both parents, the participant experienced emptiness, loneliness, and loss of motivation and guidance. Four years after the parents’ death, resentment to God and scepticism towards religion were felt along with conflict with siblings. Three major themes emerged: denial, depression, and anger. Participant was still unable to fully accept the loss and interpreted the event as a painful experience. This study illustrates a challenging recovery process of an individual who experienced consecutive losses, in which genuine, continuous social support, and an opportunity for emotional expression are needed to cope wih grief adaptively.


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How to Cite

Ausie, R. K., & Mansoer, W. W. D. (2020). "Why God took my parents?" Grieving experience and meaning making process of a child who lost both parents consecutively. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 8(2), 153–173. https://doi.org/10.24854/jpu137



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