The experience of individuals with kleptomanic history


  • Reti Oktania Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Winarini Wilman D. Mansoer Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


autoethnography, kleptomania, phenomenology


Kleptomania is an impulse control disorder characterized by a recurrent failure in resisting the impulse to steal objects, which are unnecessary for personal use, regardless of their monetary value. This study aims to discover the experience of individuals with kleptomania symptoms. To better understand the phenomenon, this study was conducted in two stages: an autoethnography study of the researcher’s own experience and a phenomenological study to two participants. Both studies suggested that the onset of kleptomania behavior of all participants emerged since childhood period and that participants had disharmonious family background. Six themes that were perceived differently by each participant were disappointment to their parents, sense of desperation, uncontrolled drive to steal, perceived shame, sense of unsatisfaction, and willingness to improve self. Those themes were then concluded into three major themes: family background, participant’s internal dynamics, and the decision to improve self.



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How to Cite

Oktania, R., & Mansoer, W. W. D. (2020). The experience of individuals with kleptomanic history. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 7(2), 140–162.



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