Decision making process of a wife involved in the polygamy marriage


  • Sri W. Rahmawati Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Tama Jagakarsa, Indonesia


polygamy marriage, decision making, qualitative approach


Polygamy marriage is a social reality that occurs in our community, which responded with a variety of responses. Dynamics of wedding process is something unique. This paper is a qualitative study of decision making process in women who undergo a polygamous marriage, during the marriage enters the age of 11 years. Decision making is intended to obtain the expected results and avoids conlict. A qualitative design is performed because this approach gives a deeper interpretation of human behavior which quantiied dificulty. Decision making is not a simple process, because there are many considerations inluenced by subjective factors, such as the preference value, as well as environmental factors.


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How to Cite

Rahmawati, S. W. (2013). Decision making process of a wife involved in the polygamy marriage. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 1(2), 163–176.



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