On solving the street children problems: The qualitative application of Protection Motivation Theory

mother of street children, protection motivation theory, street childrenAbstract
This study seeks to explore the mothers of street children’s appraisal by using Protection Motivation Theory. Only a fewstudies have been conducted regarding the parents of street children, although the phenomenon of street children is also caused by parental factors. This study aims to discover the mothers’ appraisal on the threats faced by their children and their responses to prevent their children from working in the street. Three mothers of street children in East Jakarta participated in this study. Data are presented descriptively along with quoted verbatim from the interview. The participants assessed several possible threats faced by their children, while acknowledging the result of financial gains they may get. However, there are some who were not sure in responding that way and opted to respond in another manner to reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of harm suffered by their children. Other related findings are discussed as well.
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