The correlation between trust and dating violence among young adults women in Jakarta


  • Sheila Grace Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
  • Pradipta Christy Pratiwi Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
  • Grace Indrawati Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia


dating relationship, dating violence, trust in close relationship


Conflict in close relationships are inevitable and likely to occur as a consequence of interpersonal disagreement. Conflict can be resolved if parties are open to communicate and being honest with each other. However, it is common to find individuals who employ violence as an approach to resolve relationship conflicts. Women tend to experience dating violence because they are positioned lower and perceived weaker than men. This research uses quantitative method, specifically correlational technique, to determine the relationship between the two variables. Total 165 samples of young adult women in line with the research criterias were obtained using purposive sampling. The scales used in this research are the Trust Scale and the adapted version of The Revised Conflict Tactics Scale. The result showed that there is a significant negative correlation between trust in close relationship and dating violence among young adult women in Jakarta.


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How to Cite

Grace, S., Pratiwi, P. C., & Indrawati, G. (2018). The correlation between trust and dating violence among young adults women in Jakarta. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 5(2), 169–186.



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