The role of college adjustment on academic stress of migrant students in Jakarta


  • Bia Sabrina Rahayu Saniskoro Faculty of Psychology, Universitas YARSI, Indonesia
  • Sari Zakiah Akmal Faculty of Psychology, Universitas YARSI, Indonesia


migrant students, college adjustment, academic stress


Many qualified educational institution in Jakarta became one of the factors that make students decide to study in Jakarta. The migrant students experience different situation from non-migrant students, they are required to be able to adapt themselves to the academic transition and other issues like social environment in their new region. The failure of migrant students in adjusting themselves in university and their neighborhood can cause negative effects, such as academic stress. This study aims to determine the role of college adjustment on academic stress, by involving 310 migrant students in Jakarta. This study employed the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) and Educational Stress Scale for Adolescents (ESSA). The results of multiple regression test showed that there was 17.9% of role of collage to adjustment on academic stress. The dimensions that contribute to academic stress include personal-emotion adjustment and institutional attachment.


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How to Cite

Saniskoro, B. S. R., & Akmal, S. Z. (2017). The role of college adjustment on academic stress of migrant students in Jakarta. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 4(1), 96–106.



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