The development of Social Capital Scale for adolescence


  • Selviana Selviana Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Persada Indonesia, Indonesia


adolescence, social capital, psychometry, scale development


Adolescents are surrounded by social environment in their daily life which becomes their social capital. In this study, the socialcapital includes significant people in adolescents’ life, such as: parents, teachers, and friends, from which the measurement of adolescent social capital is based upon. Respondents in this study consisted of 250 adolescents, of which 46 percent were men. The results of psychometric tests demonstrated a good validity and reliability of the developed scale through internal consistency and construct validity testing. The scale was proficient in measuring the similar constructs of social capital: social interaction, trust, andshared vision. Given the good psychometric properties, the developed scale is reliable to be used to measure social capital for adolescents.


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How to Cite

Selviana, S. (2019). The development of Social Capital Scale for adolescence. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 6(1), 37–52.



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