Digital mental health services: The urgency of research and its implementation in Indonesia


  • Ratih Arruum Listiyandini Faculty of Psychology, Universitas YARSI, Indonesia


application, digital, internet-based, mental health, research


Digital and internet-based mental health services have now become a necessity in the mental health system in Indonesia. However, the clinical effectiveness and safety of digital delivered mental health service still need to be tested and further researched, especially given the importance of providing culturally sensitive interventions. In this editorial note, I highlight the various forms of digital mental health service that are available in Indonesia, the potential benefits of these services, and the urgency that researchers in Indonesia should contribute to examine their safety and efficacy among Indonesian population.


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How to Cite

Listiyandini, R. A. (2023). Digital mental health services: The urgency of research and its implementation in Indonesia. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 10(1), 1–4.



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