My ethnicity my disgrace: Perceived ethnic discrimination as a risk factor of shame among the Chinese citizens in Java

Chinese ethnicity, Java, perceived ethnic discrimination, shame, simple linear regressionAbstract
The high incidence of discrimination among Chinese citizens in the big cities of Java can trigger perceived ethnic discrimination. Perceived ethnic discrimination can have negative impacts toward one’s psychological state, including the emergence of shame. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of perceived ethnic discrimination as a risk factor of shame in the Chinese ethnic citizens in the big cities of Java. An online survey study by 257 participants (consisting of 87 men and 170 women aged 18–78) was conducted. The result showed that perceived ethnic discrimination is a significant predictor of shame. The findings of this research stresses the psychological risk among the Chinese ethnic citizens that are being discriminated against, and underlines the importance of raising public’s awareness regarding the impact of discrimination among the population.
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