Phenomenological study of women who recovered from abusive dating relationship


  • Cynthianissa Amanda Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Winarini Wilman Mansoer Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


abusive, recovery, relationship, trauma, young adults


Abusive relationship is a form of intimate partner violence (IPV). This research was conducted to explore the experience of women who survived an abusive relationship, then recovered and established new relationship. In-depth interviews and observations were carried out to three young adult women. Data were analyzed using hermeneutical phenomenology approach. The whole process was analyzed in five phases. The results indicated that participants’ responses regarding the recovery process from an abusive relationship emerged in 10 main themes. Having warm relationship with the perpetrator's family was an inhibiting factor for participants to leave the abusive relationship. In the recovery process, the participants made various efforts to find their strengths and gain confident to build new relationships. Friend support was found to be an important factor in the recovery process from abusive relationships. This research informs valuable insights for abusive relationship victims to recover from their relationship and establish new positive relationship.


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How to Cite

Amanda, C., & Mansoer, W. W. (2022). Phenomenological study of women who recovered from abusive dating relationship. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 9(1), 23–45.



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