Exploring the self-compassion of nurses of emergency department in Jakarta


  • Puspa Triani Adinda Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Atma Jaya, Indonesia
  • Christ Billy Aryanto Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Atma Jaya, Indonesia
  • Laurensia Harini Tunjungsari Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Atma Jaya, Indonesia


emergency room, nurse, self-compassion


This study aims to explore how self-compassion shapes the experience of hospital nurses in Emergency Department (ED) in Jakarta. Previous studies demonstrated that the lack of self-compassion can increase compassion fatigue, thereby reducing the quality of services and eventually affect patients’ well-being. Mixed-methods design was employed by collecting data from 77 nurses through convenient sampling. Two nurses with highest self-compassion scores and a nurse with lowest self-compassion score were interviewed for further analysis. The descriptive result indicated that self-compassion of ED nurses in Jakarta was considerably high and only one nurse had relatively low self-compassion. There was a significant difference in self-compassion based on working time and hospital types. Qualitative analysis indicated that under stressful circumstances, nurses with high self-compassion tended to engage with various religious activities, while the one with low self-compassion tended to be self-indulging.



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How to Cite

Adinda, P. T., Aryanto, C. B., & Tunjungsari, L. H. (2020). Exploring the self-compassion of nurses of emergency department in Jakarta. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 7(1), 38–56. https://doi.org/10.24854/jpu99



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