Psychosocial responses and psychological well-being of filariasis patients in Ambon city

filariasis, psychological well-being, psychosocial responsesAbstract
Filariasis (elephantiasis) is a tropical disease and is pendemic in many regions in Indonesia. Filariasis is caused by transmission of microorganisms through mosquito bites. Although filariasis is not lethal, the resulting physical disability will lead to psychological pressures of the sufferers, such as: depression, anxiety, demotivation, lack of productivity and social interest. While psychosocial responses of the sufferers could be negative or positive, the positive response is believed to assist the sufferers in achieving well-being. The purpose of this study was to describe the psychosocial and well-being responses of filariasis patients. This study used in-depth interviews to two participants, approached through purposive sampling. The results emerged in four categories: 1).not excluded, 2). optimistic, 3). negative impact, and 4). social relations. The study concludes that physical disability experieced by the participants resulted in being dependent to others, which led to negative social treatment. However, participants achieved well-being from the fact that they were not excluded by their family; this gained a sense of optimistic and social interest to relate with their environment.
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