The use of information and communication technology and the family functioning of male and female adolescents


  • Setiasih Sigit Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia


information and communication technology, family functioning, adolescents


Information and communication technology (ICT) influences human behavior, including adolescent relationship with parents. Besides positive impact, ICT has a negative impact toward family relationships. The aim of research is to examine the use of information and technology of adolescence and their family functioning. Participants of this research were  male and female adolescents, aged 12-16 (N=90). Data collection used McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD). The study showed there exists no significant differences of using ICT between male and female adolescents. All participants used their gadgets for communication (verbal and written) and browsing. There were neither significant differences of family functioning between male and female adolescents. Other related findings were discussed.


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How to Cite

Sigit, S. (2018). The use of information and communication technology and the family functioning of male and female adolescents. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 5(2), 212–225.



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