The role of frustration of basic psychological needs in mediating the relationship between relational aggression with parental psychological control among adolescent in Kupang

adolescents, frustration of basic psychological needs, parental psychological control, relational aggresionAbstract
Relational aggression in friendships is often associated with over-controlling parenting approach. However, such relationship may be affected by an individual’s perceived frustration of unfulfilled basic psychological needs. This study examines the role of frustration of basic psychological needs as a mediator between parental psychological control and relational aggression. Data of 450 adolescents (Mage = 16.16; SD = 2.16) were obtained using quota and convenience sampling methods. Participants completed the Relational Aggression Scale, Psychological Control Disrespect Scale, and Frustration Subscale of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale. Regression analysis and macro simple mediation procedure (SOBEL) indicated that the frustration of basic psychological needs acts as a mediator in the relationship between psychological control of the father and mother and relational aggression in adolescents. Adolescents with excessive parental control may commit relational aggression to their friends to vent their frustration of unfulfilled needs by their parents.
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