The correlation among attachment to mother, father, and peers with the tendency of children to become perpetrators and victims of bullying
attachment, bullies, victim of bullying, adolescenceAbstract
Bullying is a behavior of misusing physical force by stronger individuals or groups towards their weaker counterparts, which is intended to hurt and is repeatedly done. The aim of the current study is to investigate the tendency of children to become bullies and victims of bullying in terms of attachment to the mother, father, and peers. Subjects in this study were 250 students with complete parents. This study found that there exists a negative relationship between attachment to mother and father and children’s tendency to be bullies. It was also found that only attachment to father that were negatively associated with children’stendency to be victims of bullying. This study also found that peer attachment does not have a significant relationship with children’s tendency to be both bullies and victims of bullying. Further, both boys and girls are at risk of becoming victims of bullying.
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