Emotional regulation as mediator between fear and adherence of health protocol during COVID-19 pandemic

adherence, adolescent, emotion regulation, fearAbstract
This study aims to examine the relationship between fear and adherence of health protocol through adaptive emotional regulation strategies. A total of 374 high school students (Mage = 16.64; SD = .792) participated in this study. Variables were measured using FCQ-19 scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Scale (CERQ), dan CDC Guideline Adherence. Data were analyzed using Hayes mediation model on PROCESS Macro SPSS Program. The findings indicated that adaptive emotional regulation strategies (especially acceptance and positive reappraisal) mediate the relationship between fear and adherence of health protocol. The result highlights the importance of promoting adaptive emotional regulation as a coping strategy for adolescents. Such a coping strategy could be reinforced by emotional acceptance and positive reappraisal to overcome fear and to engage in compliance. The study could provide insights to increase compliance among adolescents, by highlighting the emotional regulation aspect.
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