Stress as mediator between mindfulness and smoking frequency for young adult in Jakarta


  • Teguh Lesmana Faculty of Psychology, Bunda Mulia University, Indonesia
  • Mutiara Mirah Yunita Faculty of Psychology, Bunda Mulia University, Indonesia


mindfulness, stress, smoking behavior, young adults


Studies suggest that mindfulness is an important variable in assisting individuals to better manage their stress. Stress is known as a potential factor that motivate individuals to smoke. The purpose of the present study is to determine the role of stress as a mediator between mindfulness and the frequency of smoking. A survey participated by 400 reguler smokers aged 16 – 40 years old (Mage = 27.92; SD = 8.04) was conducted, where their mindfulness, stress, and smoking frequency were recorded. The regression analysis confirmed the mediation model, suggesting that stress is mediating the relationship between mindfulness and an individual’s smoking frequency. The study concludes that a high score of mindfulness decreases an individual’s stress level, which then reduces their smoking frequency. The study offers a practical implication regarding the potential use of mindfulness training as a strategy to reduce smoking frequency.


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How to Cite

Lesmana, T., & Yunita, M. M. (2021). Stress as mediator between mindfulness and smoking frequency for young adult in Jakarta. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 8(1), 28–42.



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