Stressful life events among depressed adolescents after parental divorce

adolescents, depression, parental divorce, stressful life eventsAbstract
Parental divorce can cause stress for adolescents. However, adolescents perceive not all life events after divorce as stressful. This study aims to describe: 1). stressful life events after parental divorce and 2). changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors experienced by adolescents after parental divorce. This descriptive study used the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) and other related questionnaires for univariate analysis. Participants were adolescents of divorced parents (n = 30; 83.3% were female), aged 13-19 years, and experienced depression (minimum CDI score of 19). The results were organized into five themes accounting for stressful life events after parental divorce: less cohesive family relationships, loss of parent support, academic problems, parental remarriage, and declining economic conditions. Parental divorce causes more negative changes, but one positive thing still makes adolescents more independent. Extended families actually become a source of pressure for adolescents. These findings show the importance of parental and extended family support for adolescents in dealing with post-divorce pressures.
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