Measuring depression, anxiety, and stress in early adults in Indonesia: Construct validity and reliability test of DASS-21

construct validity, DASS-21, early adulthood, factor analysis, Indonesian versionAbstract
To assess depression, anxiety, and stress in the population, many Indonesian mental health researchers and practitioners have used the Indonesian version of DASS-21 developed by Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) and adapted to Bahasa Indonesia by local researchers. While the scale has proved to be useful, it has not been well validated for early adulthood in Indonesia. The current study aimed to examine the construct validity and construct reliability of the Indonesian version of DASS-21 for Indonesian early adults. This study involved 629 respondents aged 20-40 years from 34 provinces who completed the scale online. In general, the results suggested that the Indonesian version of DASS-21 for early adults has sufficient psychometric properties as a multidimensional scale. Yet, we suggested some critical revisions of the scale, such as eliminating overlapping items in the Depression and Anxiety subscales as well as refinig the translation of one item in the Stress Subscale.
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