The indigenous psychology

Social psychology, cultural psychology, Asian psychology, indigenous psychologyAbstract
Classical psychology tends to be conservative. It deals merely with universal theories concerning individual processes. The trend towards more social oriented paradigms started when European psychologists Serge Moscovici raised the issue of social representation (1961), and Henrri Tajfel and Turner published their theories on Social Identity (1979). Psychology is no longer individual. It is related to social and cultural environment. Each group, race or ethnic has its own psychology, which is relevant to their respective context. In 1933, an Asian Psychologist, Uichol Kim and his European colleague John Berry initiate the term indigenous psychology that is defined as ”the scientific study of human behavior or mind that is native, that is not transported from other regions, and that is designed for its people”. Since there is no matching Indonesian word for “indigenous”, in an Indonesian Social Psychology Association Conference held at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in 1999, I coined the word “ulayat”. I borrowed the term from anthropology and the adat (traditional) law that means almost similar to Kim and Berry definition of “indigenous”. This article discusses the history, the development of theories and application of this new field in psychology in Indonesia.
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Barzun, J (1983) A strolls with William James, Harper and Row.
Berry, J. W., Poortinga, Y. H., Segall, M. H., & Dasen, P. R. (1992). Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Berry, J. W., Poortinga, Y. H., & Pandey, J. (Eds.).(1997). Handbook of cross-cultural psychology (2nd ed., Vols. 1–3). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Bertens, K. (2007) Etika, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Boche?ski, I. M. (1951). Ancient Formal Logic. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.
Bond, Michael Harris (2010), The Oxford Chinese Psychology, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Bringmann, W.G.; Balance W D, Evans R B (July, 1975), Wilhelm Wundt 1832-1920: a brief biographical sketch, Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences 11 (3): 287-297.
Butler-Bowdon, T (2007) 50 Psychology Classics, London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Carpenter, Shana K (August 2005). “Some neglected contributions of Wilhelm Wundt to the psychology
of memory.”. Psychological reports 97 (1): 63–73
Carr, Stewart C. (1996), Social Psychology and Culture: Reminders from Africa and Asia. In H. Grad, A. Blanco & J. Georgas (Eds.). Key issues in cross-cultural psychology (pp. 68-85), Lisse, Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger
Davido, R.D. (1994) The Childhood Hand that Disturbs projective test, Westpoer, USA: Preager
Enriquez, Virgilio G. (1990), Indigenous Psychology: A book of readings, Manila: Philippine Psychology Research Training House
Freud, Sigmund (1940), An outline of Psychoanalyisis (Abri? der Psychoanalyse)
Freud, Sigmund ed. Marie Bonaparte, Anna Freud, & Ernst Kris (1954) The Origins of Psychoanalysis: Letters to Wilhelm Fliess: Drafts and Notes 1887-1902, New York : Basic Books pages 238- 239
Fons van de, and Leung, Kwok (1997) Methods and Data Analysis for Cross-Cultural Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
Gielen, U. P., Draguns, J. G., & Fish, J. M. (Eds.) (2008). Principles of multicultural counseling and therapy. New York City, NY: Routledge.
Gielen, U. P., & Roopnarine, J. L. (Eds.).(2004). Childhood and adolescence: Cross-cultural perspectives and applications. Westport: CT: Praeger.
Gill, Mary Louise. (1989). Aristotle on Substance: The Paradox of Unity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Goetz, Christopher (1987). Charcot, the Clinician. New York: Raven Press.
Hall, Marshall (1832), On the Reflex Function of the Medulla Oblongata and the Medulla Spinalis.
Hans, L/ F. (June, 1994), Franscois Magendie (1783-1855), Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, 57 (6) 692,
Hidayat, Komaruddin (2005), Psikologi Kematian, Jakarta: Hikmah
Ho, D. Y. F., & Wu, M. (2001). Introduction to cross-cultural psychology. In L. L. Adler & U. P.
Gielen (Eds.), Cross-cultural topics in psychology (pp. 3–13). Westport, CT: Praeger. Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and
organizations across nations (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Holland, James G.; Skinner, B. F. (1961), The analysis of behavior: A program for self-instruction,
New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill.
Irmawati (2007) Nilai-nilai yang mendasari motif-motif penentu keberhasilan suku Batak Toba (studi psikologi ulayat), Disertasi: Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
Irmawati (2008) Pemberdayaan kearifan lokal melalui pendekatan psikologi ulayat untuk pembangunan bangsa, Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar Psikologi Sosial, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan
Jalaluddin (2008), Psikologi Agama, Jakarta: Rajawali
James, William, (1981), Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking (1907), Hackett
Kim, Uichol & Berry, John W. (1993), Indigenous Psychology, Research and experience in cultural context, NY: Sage Publications
Kim, U., Triandis, H. C., Choi, S. C.,Ka?itçiba?i, Ç., & Yoon, G. (red),(1994). Individualism and collectivism: Theory, method, and applications. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kim, Uichol, Kuo-Shu Yang & Kwang-Kuo Hwang (red), (2006), Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, NY: Springer Science + Business Media Inc.
Köhler, Wolfgang. (1956). The mentality of apes. London: Routledge and K. Paul. (translated from the 2nd revised edition by Ella Winter)
Lewes, George Henry (1864). Aristotle: A Chapter from the History of Science, Including Analyses of Aristotle’s Scientific Writings
Lewin, Kurt. (1943). Defining the “Field at a Given Time.” Psychological Review. 50: 292-310 Locke, John (1996) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Kenneth P. Winkler (ed.),
Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company
Lukito, Ratno (2008) Hukum sakral dan hukum sekuler, Jakarta: Alvabet
Mahmoud, Al Deek, (2004), “Ibn Al-Haitham: Master of Optics, Mathematics, Physics and Medicine”, Al Shindagah (November–December 2004)
Markus, H.R.; Kitayama, S. (1991). “Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation”. Psychological Review 98 (2): 224–53.
Markus, H.R.; Kitayama, S. (2003). “Culture, Self, and the Reality of the Social”. Psychological Inquiry 14 (3): 277–83.
Moscovici, Serge & Markova,Ivana (2006) The Making of Modern Social Psychology: The Hidden Story of How an International Social Science was Created. Cambridge and Oxford: Polity Press.
Moscovici, Serge, Lage, E. And Naffrenchoux, M. (1969) “Influences of a consistent minority on the responses of a majority in a colour perception task”, Sociometry, Vol.32, pp. 365–80. Cited in Cardwell, M. And Flanagan, C. (2003) Psychology AS The Complete Companion, Nelson Thornes
M?ller, Johannes Pieter (1840) Handbuch der Physiologie des Mensen, diterjemahkan oleh William Bily, 1843, London
Myers, G.E., (2001) William James: His life and Thought, Yale University
Nasution, Abdullah Faruq (1995), Filsafat Manusia, Teori dan Implementasinya Dlm Analisis Psikologi: Studi Perbandingan antara konsep Ar-razi dan Sigmund Freud, Disertasi: Institut Agama Islam Negeri Jakarta.
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich (1927) Conditioned Reflexes: an investigation of the psychological activity of the cerebral cortex, diterjemahkan oleh G.V. Anrep, London: Oxford University Press
Ramayulis (2002) Psikologi Agama, Jakarta: Radar Jaya
Ratner, Carl (2008), Cultural Psychology, Cross Cultural Psychology and Indigenous Psychology, NY:
Nova Science Publication
Rice, G. (April 1987), The Bell-Magendie-Wolker controversy, Medical History, 31 (2) 190-200
Richardson, R.D., (2006), William James: In the maelstrom of American modernism, Houghton, Miffin.
Robinson, Victor (ed) (1929) Bell’s law within the description of Bell’s palsy, including a brief discussion about Charles Bll, 1774-1842, The Modern Home of Physician, a new encyclopedia of medical knowledge, NY: VM H. Wise & Co.
Rogers, Carl R. (1965). A humanistic conception of man. In R.E. Farson (ed.) Science and human affairs. California: Science and Behavior Books Inc
Rogers, Carl R. (1977). Carl Rogers on personal power. N.Y.: Delacorte Press.
Saptono (2010) Hukum dan Kearifan lokal, Revitalisasi Hukum, Adat Nusantara, Jakarta: Grasindo
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (1980), Berkenalan dengan tokoh-tokoh dan aliran-aliran Psikologi, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang.
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2002), Cultural aspects of Sex, Paper, Congress of Indonesian Sexology Association, Denpasar, Bali
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2003), Globalization, the Revolution of Mind and Social Psychology in Asia, 5th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Manila
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2004a), Women in Indonesia, Paper, International Congress of Cross Cultural Research, San Jose, CA, USA
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2004b), Violence in Indonesia dalam L.L. Adler & F. Denmark (red) International Perspectives on Violence, Westport, Connecticut: Praeger (Ch. 6, pp 95-110)
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan (2004c), Psychology in Indonesia, dalam M.J. Stevens & D. Wedding (red) Handbook of International Psychology, New York: Brunner-Routledge (Ch. 27, pp. 453- 486)
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2005), The Role of Psychology in rehabilitation of Aceh Tsunami Victims, Annual Convention of ICP (International Council of Psychologists), Fox de Iguazu, Brazil
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2005a),Families in Indonesia, dalam J. L. Roopnarine & U.P. Gielen (red) Families in Global Perspective, Boston: Pearson (Ch. 7, pp. 104-119)
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2006a), Wayang as a Reflection of Javanese way of thinking, Journal of ASIA-PACIFIC Forum, East West Center Association, Indonesia Chapter, 1 (1)
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2006b), Gods and Goddess in Wayang and Greek Mythology, 1st Convention of APsyA (Asian Psychological Association), Bali, Indonesia
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan (2006c), Psikologi Prasangka Orang Indonesia, Jakarta: Rajawali pers. Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2007a), Wayang as reflection of Asian way of life, International Convention
of Asian Studies. KL, Malaysia
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2007), What is in their minds? The Psychology of suicide bombers in Indonesia, dalam Comunian, A.L. & Roth, R. (red), International perspectives in Psychology: Proceedings of the 64th Annual International Council of Psychologists, July 10-13, 2006, Kos, Greece, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 413-419
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2009), A variance in Psychology: Asian Psychology, International Council of Psychologists, Mexico City
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2010a), Towards an Asian Psychology: Learning from Indonesian experience, International Conference of Psychology Education, Sydney, Australia
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2010b), Symposium on the psychology of Asian terrorism, International Conference of Applied Psychology, Melbourne
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2011a), An Indonesian Perspective on Psychological Literacy, dalam Cranney, J. & Dunn, D.S. (red), The Psychologically Literate Citizen: Foundations and Global Prespectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2011b), Sexual behavior in indonesia nowadays: Data of premarital and extramarital sex, National Symposium and Workshop on Sexology 2011, Indonesian Association of Sexology, Jakarta, Oct 30, 2011
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2012a), Déradicalisation de la personalité d’ex-terroistes, à l’aide du
Davido-ChaD, 10 cas d’ex-terroristes indonésiens, Paris: Edlivre
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan (2012b), Terorisme di Indonesia: Dalam pandangan psikologi, Jakarta:
Setyadi, H. (2011). Irasionalitas peran jender, depresi maskulin, dan alexithymia pada suami sebagai faktor risiko perilaku kekerasan terhadap istri, Disertasi, Universitas Indonesia
Strachey, James, Anna Freud, Alix Strachey dan Alan Tyson (penerjemah), (1999) The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, 24 jilid, Vintage.
Smith, Peter B., Bond, Michael Harris and Ka?itçiba?i,Cigdem (2006), Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
Sumardjono, Maria S.W. (2001) Kebijakan Pertanahan: Antara Regulasi dan Implementasi, Jakarta: Kompas
Tajfel, H. (1974). Social identity and intergroup behaviour. Social Science Information, 13, 65-93. Tamar, Muhamad (2008), Nilai Motivasi Wiraswasta pada pengusaha Bugis, Disertasi, Universitas
Triandis, H.C. (1989). “The self and social behavior in differing cultural contexts”. Psychological
Review 96 (3): 506–20.
Titchener, Edward Bradford (1921), Wilhelm Wundt, The American Journal of Psychology, 32 (2)
Warnaen, Suwarsih (2002) Stereotip etnis dalam masyarakat multietnis, Jakarta: Matabangsa
Watson, J. B. (1913). Psychology as the Behaviorist Views it.Psychological Review, 20, 158-177.
Wiryani, Fifik (2009) Reformasai Hukum Ulayat: Penyatuan hak-hak masyarakat adat dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam, Jakarta: Setara Press
Yatman, Darmanto (1997), Psikologi Jawa, Yogyakarta: Yayasan Bentang Budaya Yatman, Darmanto (2004), Psikologi Jawa Jangkep, Semarang: Limpad
Berry, J. W., Poortinga, Y. H., Segall, M. H., & Dasen, P. R. (1992). Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Berry, J. W., Poortinga, Y. H., & Pandey, J. (Eds.).(1997). Handbook of cross-cultural psychology (2nd ed., Vols. 1–3). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Bertens, K. (2007) Etika, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Boche?ski, I. M. (1951). Ancient Formal Logic. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.
Bond, Michael Harris (2010), The Oxford Chinese Psychology, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Bringmann, W.G.; Balance W D, Evans R B (July, 1975), Wilhelm Wundt 1832-1920: a brief biographical sketch, Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences 11 (3): 287-297.
Butler-Bowdon, T (2007) 50 Psychology Classics, London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Carpenter, Shana K (August 2005). “Some neglected contributions of Wilhelm Wundt to the psychology
of memory.”. Psychological reports 97 (1): 63–73
Carr, Stewart C. (1996), Social Psychology and Culture: Reminders from Africa and Asia. In H. Grad, A. Blanco & J. Georgas (Eds.). Key issues in cross-cultural psychology (pp. 68-85), Lisse, Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger
Davido, R.D. (1994) The Childhood Hand that Disturbs projective test, Westpoer, USA: Preager
Enriquez, Virgilio G. (1990), Indigenous Psychology: A book of readings, Manila: Philippine Psychology Research Training House
Freud, Sigmund (1940), An outline of Psychoanalyisis (Abri? der Psychoanalyse)
Freud, Sigmund ed. Marie Bonaparte, Anna Freud, & Ernst Kris (1954) The Origins of Psychoanalysis: Letters to Wilhelm Fliess: Drafts and Notes 1887-1902, New York : Basic Books pages 238- 239
Fons van de, and Leung, Kwok (1997) Methods and Data Analysis for Cross-Cultural Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
Gielen, U. P., Draguns, J. G., & Fish, J. M. (Eds.) (2008). Principles of multicultural counseling and therapy. New York City, NY: Routledge.
Gielen, U. P., & Roopnarine, J. L. (Eds.).(2004). Childhood and adolescence: Cross-cultural perspectives and applications. Westport: CT: Praeger.
Gill, Mary Louise. (1989). Aristotle on Substance: The Paradox of Unity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Goetz, Christopher (1987). Charcot, the Clinician. New York: Raven Press.
Hall, Marshall (1832), On the Reflex Function of the Medulla Oblongata and the Medulla Spinalis.
Hans, L/ F. (June, 1994), Franscois Magendie (1783-1855), Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, 57 (6) 692,
Hidayat, Komaruddin (2005), Psikologi Kematian, Jakarta: Hikmah
Ho, D. Y. F., & Wu, M. (2001). Introduction to cross-cultural psychology. In L. L. Adler & U. P.
Gielen (Eds.), Cross-cultural topics in psychology (pp. 3–13). Westport, CT: Praeger. Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and
organizations across nations (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Holland, James G.; Skinner, B. F. (1961), The analysis of behavior: A program for self-instruction,
New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill.
Irmawati (2007) Nilai-nilai yang mendasari motif-motif penentu keberhasilan suku Batak Toba (studi psikologi ulayat), Disertasi: Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
Irmawati (2008) Pemberdayaan kearifan lokal melalui pendekatan psikologi ulayat untuk pembangunan bangsa, Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar Psikologi Sosial, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan
Jalaluddin (2008), Psikologi Agama, Jakarta: Rajawali
James, William, (1981), Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking (1907), Hackett
Kim, Uichol & Berry, John W. (1993), Indigenous Psychology, Research and experience in cultural context, NY: Sage Publications
Kim, U., Triandis, H. C., Choi, S. C.,Ka?itçiba?i, Ç., & Yoon, G. (red),(1994). Individualism and collectivism: Theory, method, and applications. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kim, Uichol, Kuo-Shu Yang & Kwang-Kuo Hwang (red), (2006), Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, NY: Springer Science + Business Media Inc.
Köhler, Wolfgang. (1956). The mentality of apes. London: Routledge and K. Paul. (translated from the 2nd revised edition by Ella Winter)
Lewes, George Henry (1864). Aristotle: A Chapter from the History of Science, Including Analyses of Aristotle’s Scientific Writings
Lewin, Kurt. (1943). Defining the “Field at a Given Time.” Psychological Review. 50: 292-310 Locke, John (1996) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Kenneth P. Winkler (ed.),
Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company
Lukito, Ratno (2008) Hukum sakral dan hukum sekuler, Jakarta: Alvabet
Mahmoud, Al Deek, (2004), “Ibn Al-Haitham: Master of Optics, Mathematics, Physics and Medicine”, Al Shindagah (November–December 2004)
Markus, H.R.; Kitayama, S. (1991). “Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation”. Psychological Review 98 (2): 224–53.
Markus, H.R.; Kitayama, S. (2003). “Culture, Self, and the Reality of the Social”. Psychological Inquiry 14 (3): 277–83.
Moscovici, Serge & Markova,Ivana (2006) The Making of Modern Social Psychology: The Hidden Story of How an International Social Science was Created. Cambridge and Oxford: Polity Press.
Moscovici, Serge, Lage, E. And Naffrenchoux, M. (1969) “Influences of a consistent minority on the responses of a majority in a colour perception task”, Sociometry, Vol.32, pp. 365–80. Cited in Cardwell, M. And Flanagan, C. (2003) Psychology AS The Complete Companion, Nelson Thornes
M?ller, Johannes Pieter (1840) Handbuch der Physiologie des Mensen, diterjemahkan oleh William Bily, 1843, London
Myers, G.E., (2001) William James: His life and Thought, Yale University
Nasution, Abdullah Faruq (1995), Filsafat Manusia, Teori dan Implementasinya Dlm Analisis Psikologi: Studi Perbandingan antara konsep Ar-razi dan Sigmund Freud, Disertasi: Institut Agama Islam Negeri Jakarta.
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich (1927) Conditioned Reflexes: an investigation of the psychological activity of the cerebral cortex, diterjemahkan oleh G.V. Anrep, London: Oxford University Press
Ramayulis (2002) Psikologi Agama, Jakarta: Radar Jaya
Ratner, Carl (2008), Cultural Psychology, Cross Cultural Psychology and Indigenous Psychology, NY:
Nova Science Publication
Rice, G. (April 1987), The Bell-Magendie-Wolker controversy, Medical History, 31 (2) 190-200
Richardson, R.D., (2006), William James: In the maelstrom of American modernism, Houghton, Miffin.
Robinson, Victor (ed) (1929) Bell’s law within the description of Bell’s palsy, including a brief discussion about Charles Bll, 1774-1842, The Modern Home of Physician, a new encyclopedia of medical knowledge, NY: VM H. Wise & Co.
Rogers, Carl R. (1965). A humanistic conception of man. In R.E. Farson (ed.) Science and human affairs. California: Science and Behavior Books Inc
Rogers, Carl R. (1977). Carl Rogers on personal power. N.Y.: Delacorte Press.
Saptono (2010) Hukum dan Kearifan lokal, Revitalisasi Hukum, Adat Nusantara, Jakarta: Grasindo
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (1980), Berkenalan dengan tokoh-tokoh dan aliran-aliran Psikologi, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang.
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2002), Cultural aspects of Sex, Paper, Congress of Indonesian Sexology Association, Denpasar, Bali
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2003), Globalization, the Revolution of Mind and Social Psychology in Asia, 5th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Manila
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2004a), Women in Indonesia, Paper, International Congress of Cross Cultural Research, San Jose, CA, USA
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2004b), Violence in Indonesia dalam L.L. Adler & F. Denmark (red) International Perspectives on Violence, Westport, Connecticut: Praeger (Ch. 6, pp 95-110)
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan (2004c), Psychology in Indonesia, dalam M.J. Stevens & D. Wedding (red) Handbook of International Psychology, New York: Brunner-Routledge (Ch. 27, pp. 453- 486)
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2005), The Role of Psychology in rehabilitation of Aceh Tsunami Victims, Annual Convention of ICP (International Council of Psychologists), Fox de Iguazu, Brazil
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2005a),Families in Indonesia, dalam J. L. Roopnarine & U.P. Gielen (red) Families in Global Perspective, Boston: Pearson (Ch. 7, pp. 104-119)
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2006a), Wayang as a Reflection of Javanese way of thinking, Journal of ASIA-PACIFIC Forum, East West Center Association, Indonesia Chapter, 1 (1)
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2006b), Gods and Goddess in Wayang and Greek Mythology, 1st Convention of APsyA (Asian Psychological Association), Bali, Indonesia
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan (2006c), Psikologi Prasangka Orang Indonesia, Jakarta: Rajawali pers. Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2007a), Wayang as reflection of Asian way of life, International Convention
of Asian Studies. KL, Malaysia
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2007), What is in their minds? The Psychology of suicide bombers in Indonesia, dalam Comunian, A.L. & Roth, R. (red), International perspectives in Psychology: Proceedings of the 64th Annual International Council of Psychologists, July 10-13, 2006, Kos, Greece, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 413-419
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2009), A variance in Psychology: Asian Psychology, International Council of Psychologists, Mexico City
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2010a), Towards an Asian Psychology: Learning from Indonesian experience, International Conference of Psychology Education, Sydney, Australia
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2010b), Symposium on the psychology of Asian terrorism, International Conference of Applied Psychology, Melbourne
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2011a), An Indonesian Perspective on Psychological Literacy, dalam Cranney, J. & Dunn, D.S. (red), The Psychologically Literate Citizen: Foundations and Global Prespectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2011b), Sexual behavior in indonesia nowadays: Data of premarital and extramarital sex, National Symposium and Workshop on Sexology 2011, Indonesian Association of Sexology, Jakarta, Oct 30, 2011
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan, (2012a), Déradicalisation de la personalité d’ex-terroistes, à l’aide du
Davido-ChaD, 10 cas d’ex-terroristes indonésiens, Paris: Edlivre
Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan (2012b), Terorisme di Indonesia: Dalam pandangan psikologi, Jakarta:
Setyadi, H. (2011). Irasionalitas peran jender, depresi maskulin, dan alexithymia pada suami sebagai faktor risiko perilaku kekerasan terhadap istri, Disertasi, Universitas Indonesia
Strachey, James, Anna Freud, Alix Strachey dan Alan Tyson (penerjemah), (1999) The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, 24 jilid, Vintage.
Smith, Peter B., Bond, Michael Harris and Ka?itçiba?i,Cigdem (2006), Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
Sumardjono, Maria S.W. (2001) Kebijakan Pertanahan: Antara Regulasi dan Implementasi, Jakarta: Kompas
Tajfel, H. (1974). Social identity and intergroup behaviour. Social Science Information, 13, 65-93. Tamar, Muhamad (2008), Nilai Motivasi Wiraswasta pada pengusaha Bugis, Disertasi, Universitas
Triandis, H.C. (1989). “The self and social behavior in differing cultural contexts”. Psychological
Review 96 (3): 506–20.
Titchener, Edward Bradford (1921), Wilhelm Wundt, The American Journal of Psychology, 32 (2)
Warnaen, Suwarsih (2002) Stereotip etnis dalam masyarakat multietnis, Jakarta: Matabangsa
Watson, J. B. (1913). Psychology as the Behaviorist Views it.Psychological Review, 20, 158-177.
Wiryani, Fifik (2009) Reformasai Hukum Ulayat: Penyatuan hak-hak masyarakat adat dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam, Jakarta: Setara Press
Yatman, Darmanto (1997), Psikologi Jawa, Yogyakarta: Yayasan Bentang Budaya Yatman, Darmanto (2004), Psikologi Jawa Jangkep, Semarang: Limpad
How to Cite
Sarwono, S. W. (2012). The indigenous psychology. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 1(1), 1–16.
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