Distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic: Role of digital literacy and task value towards self-regulated learning in college students

college student, COVID-19, digital literacy, distance learning, self-regulated learning, task valueAbstract
Distance learning has been primarily utilized by college students since COVID-19 pandemic. Distance learning mode requires students to allocate and regulate their learning experience more independently. This study aimed to examine the role of digital literacy and task value on self-regulated learning of college students who participated in distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were 420 college students across faculties from 10 public universities in Indonesia who agreed to fill the online survey consisting three validated measures. Regression analysis indicated that digital literacy and task value positively contribute to the participants’ capacity of self-regulated learning. Further analysis suggested that, compared to digital literacy, task value is a stronger predictor of students’ self-regulated. The finding could provide valuable insight to assist in developing policies or interventions to improve college students’ self-regulated learning in distance learning.
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