The attributes of an ideal leader and people`s decisions in voting participation: Indigenous study and decision tree analysis


  • Tabah Aris Nurjaman Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia


decision tree model, ideal leader attributes, information processing, participative decision-making, trust level


This study aimed to explore the attributes of an ideal leader and to predict voting participation in the 2019 Indonesian presidential election based on the ideal leader attributes, gender, level of trust, and information processing. The exploration phase was conducted by using an indigenous psychological approach. The prediction phase was conducted by implementing machine learning with a decision tree model. Data was collected at one time by involving 211 respondents (53 male, 158 female; Mage = 20.09; SD = 1.81). Based on the exploration phase, an ideal leader showed seven psychological attributes: personality, integrity, folk-oriented, capability, assertiveness, productivity, and intellectuality. Based on the decision tree model, the trust level was the most dominant factor to predict decision to participate (vote/abstain), followed by the ideal leader attributes. The model showed four categories of participants who were certain to decide to vote in the presidential election, and could predict voting decision (vote/abstain) accurately.


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How to Cite

Nurjaman, T. A. (2021). The attributes of an ideal leader and people`s decisions in voting participation: Indigenous study and decision tree analysis. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 8(1), 43–58.



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