NSSI (Nonsuicidal Self-Injury) of emerging adults in Jakarta: An interpretative phenomenological approach

interpretative phenomenological analysis, NSSI, young adultAbstract
The phenomenon of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is still understudied in Indonesia. In fact, exploring such a phenomenon is essential to guide our understanding of the phenomenon and to develop appropriate clinical treatment. This study aims to explore the experience and meaning-making process of individuals who committed NSSI. Using a phenomenological approach, interviews were conducted to four young adult women (aged 21–22 years) in Jakarta with a history of NSSI. Interpretative phenomenological analysis identified five themes in their experiences: a sense of relief, secrecy, a lack of mindfulness, repetitiveness, and suicidal tendencies. The longer the individual committed NSSI, the more likely they were to commit suicide. All participants interpreted their NSSI experience as a coping strategy to deal with feelings of emptiness and negative emotions. This study provides useful insight for prevention and treatment of NSSI.
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