Subjective well-being of adult daughter caregivers of a parent with dementia

dementia, subjective well-being, caregiverAbstract
Dementia is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with memory, language, problem solving, and other cognitive abilities. The psychological impact of dementia is not only experienced by the patients, but also by family caregivers, which could be associated with their subjective well-being. In Indonesia, children were culturally expected to take care their elderly parents and it is more emphasized on daughters. The purpose of this study was to explore the subjective well-being of adult daughter caregivers of a parent with dementia. A case study utilizing semi-structured interviews was conducted to four adult daughters (aged between 30-60 years) who performed as a caregiver. Two themes emerged from the cognitive component of subjective well-being:living arrangement and social relation with patients. Caregivers often experience negative emotions related to their role as a caregiver. The findings indicate that the dynamics of caregiver’s well-being was highly associated with their attitudes in accepting the role of taking care for their demented parents.
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